I have thought that we are living in the Laodicean Age. (The Laodicean church was rich and increased with goods and did not need anything, it thought, but Christ's assessment was that it was really pitiful, poor, blind and naked. It was also called lukewarm.) Francis Schaeffer called our times the Age of Personal Peace and Affluence. Whatever you want to call it, it is real and it is hurting the cause of Christ. I am not pointing my finger at anyone else. I see this in my own life.
My ideal for our generation is to take the gospel to the Islamic world, which means being ready to die for the gospel. If their suicide bombers are ready to kill others and themselves for their cause, shouldn't we be willing to die for our cause (which is to offer the Islamic world salvation through the name of our Lord Jesus Christ). Our cause is different from theirs, but more importantly, our God is stronger. A stonger God demands a stronger faith in Him.
We would carry the love of Christ to them instead of bombs. We will win that war.
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